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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Work Deprived

We are in the process of building Agility Training Equipment for one of our dogs. We have a Border Collie/German Schizo mix. Being a mix of the two best known herding breeds causes her no small amount of frustration, especially when you consider we have three other dogs, a cat, and my husband in her "herd". She tries to herd the two smaller dogs and the cat together. She attempts to herd our German Shepherd away from any and all gates which she may or may not use to escape the backyard so that she may go scratch on the garage door to get back inside.

Unless both of them escape across the street to my in-laws to cadge cookies and affection before being brought back home and put back in the backyard.

Sam has become increasingly neurotic and driving me batty in the past six months. She's bored out of her mind with no work to do. I had thought about approaching several of the sheep and cattle ranchers around our house and asking if I might borrow some of their livestock once a week to give her a herding vent so that she might stop being so jumpy. I blame myself for not realizing she's like a hybrid super-working dog and genetics will cause her to go insane if she's not working. I don't believe things like a breed being bad, but I do believe that breeds were made for a reason, and those reasons can help you help your dog if you understand them. Yes, I am avid fan of Cesar Milan. Although, he's more about training the humans around the dog, than the dog itself.

So, working dogs go crazy if they're not working at something. Have you ever noticed that people are the same way? I know if I do not have a project or something to do, I go from bored to bitch in about zero seconds. I will be honest, I am one of those sickening people who usually have a couple projects working on several different levels at one time. I know I've always been able to drive people I work with by constantly asking if they had stuff for me to do. When I am working or supposed to be working, I'm an eager beaver who is not happy until I am occupied.

That is why we simply have to do away with Unemployment. Hate me, rail against me, make voodoo dolls and stick pins in, but I am right. I know it, and if you're honest with yourself, you know it as well. If we, as human beings, don't have to work, we won't. We are all lazy slugs if we let ourselves be. There are those like me who prefer to stay busy and occupied and productive. I remember one thing really getting my goat, was when we didn't have work at jobs they wouldn't just let us go home. Hell, I got things to do at home and sitting up here with my thumb up my ass is frustrating to me because I'm thinking of the million and one things I could be doing at home. Plus, if you're paid hourly, it lets the company off the hook if they allow employees to leave once their work is done. If todays companies had an ounce of common sense they would learn that by having a daily quota of work to be done, and then telling the workers that they could leave once all the work was done, they would see productivity soar, and payroll costs dive faster than an Italian soccer player. The more work that came in, the more work there would be to be done, but workers would learn to optimize time and productivity would still increase. Come in, get your work done, go home. Tell me no one has ever thought of this before.

Now, let me tell you why it would work in my Sevtopian Universe. Number one, no sales tax, more income, less need to milk the clock, insurance not tied to employment and affordable thanks to interstate competition... No school taxes, more money, more time to teach your own kids, increase in critical thinking, increase in public beatings of bleeding heart liberals trying to rob your to give money to shiftless, feckless f$cks who should be starving in a ditch.

My world is a very simple one. Everyone works, everyone makes money, and everyone still has time to do the things they want to that they can afford. A simple world with a free market economy where every herding dog can chase things until it makes the cows come home.

1 comment:

M.G. said...

"My world is a very simple one. Everyone works, everyone makes money, and everyone still has time to do the things they want to that they can afford. A simple world with a free market economy where every herding dog can chase things until it makes the cows come home."

But then what would all those people in government do, if they didn't have to tell us what to do?! They'd all... STARVE!!