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Sunday, July 18, 2010

There Are Lies, Damned Lies, and Political Polls

With the recent NAACP idiocy of declaring the Tea Party as racist, I began to really pay attention to the polls done on the Tea Party since its inception, and I've been amazed at the results you get depending upon the political leaning of the people commissioning the poll.

The most accurate one I've seen was a Gallup poll published on their website April 5, 2010. It shows that Tea Party folk are just about as diverse as any other group in America.

Now, if you go to polls on The Huffington Post, New York Times, or the Washington Post, bastions of unbiased journalism, you will find that they were amazed to find that Tea Party people are "better educated and higher income" than the national mean. They are surprised to learn that conservative leaning folk are "educated". When they say that, you need to get your English to Liberal dictionary and discover they mean "we thought you were all backwoods rubes from the movie Deliverance." Because surely, if you went to college you were indoctrinated by their fellow travelers and are liberal. Please?

And then the income "surprise". Once again, they supposed that all conservatives were lower to middle income NASCAR fans who drink Lite Beer happily. Nope. Some of us even pretended to sip chardonnay at a dinner party once, and gleefully fall upon coupons for our favorite imported beer. I, personally, do not get watching cars drive around in a circle. Perhaps that is where the 'better educated" thing comes in. I have no idea.

This is the thing, people who have made money tend to want to keep it and not allow some bleeding heart wussy steal it from them to give to a whining do-nothing sack of shit who thinks they are entitled to the earnings of another. Did I sound bitter just then? Sorry, it really pisses me off that we're hated because we want to keep the money we've earned and will defend to the death our right to our own property.

Penn and Teller did a wonderful example of this on their show Bull$hit about the current taxation system. Teller would order a piece of pie and Penn would take it and eat it. He said, I'm not taking your pie, I'm giving it to me. See the difference? The more pie Teller ordered, the more more Penn took from him, or, I mean, gave to himself. It was a perfect working example of Congress.

Don't even get me started on how our income is taxed about 20 times over without our knowledge, much less approbation.

We need to start over folks. Get rid of all the politicians and lawyers and start all over and keep Jefferson's statement about the blood of patriots hanging over the heads of each of our representatives. I wonder if the guy who writes the lyrics for Muse would get tickled that I plan on using their song Uprising as my theme music for my insurrection? Something tells me no. He's an Irish lib, after all, who is so freakin oppressed he makes millions while whining about how entitled and angry he is.

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