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Thursday, April 11, 2019

Muzzled Again

So a person I formerly respected reported me for a remark I made on his attempt to show Muslims in a positive light in a post. My response was, and I quote, "Clear the Mohammedans".

Note, I did not say "Kill all Muzzies!" or anything inciteful. I merely said clear all Mohammedans. Clear then of or for what? Who, exactly are Mohammedans?

First we start at the beginning, the word clear. In the English language, used in this context it's obviously an imperative, a call to action. But, what action is it calling out for?

When clear is used as a verb, you have a veritable buffet to choose from.

verb (used with object)

to remove people or objects from (usually followed by of): to clear a courtroom of photographers; to clear the table of dishes. 
to remove (people or objects) (usually followed by from ): to clear the photographers from the courtroom; to clear the dishes from the table. 
to make clear, transparent, or pellucid; free from cloudiness or impurities: to clear a liquid by means of a filter. 
to make free of confusion, doubt, or uncertainty: He spoke to his supervisor to clear his mind about their working relationship. 
to make understandable or lucid; free from ambiguity or obscurity: She rephrased the report in order to clear the essential points. 
to make (a path, road, etc.) by removing any obstruction: He had to cut away the underbrush to clear a path. 
to eat all the food on: to clear one's plate. 
to relieve (the throat) of some obstruction, as phlegm, by forcing air through the larynx, usually producing a rasping sound. 
to make a similar rasping noise in (the throat), as to express disapproval or to attract attention. 
to remove from (the brow) any traces of tension or anxiety, as folds or wrinkles. 
to free of anything defamatory or discrediting: to clear one's name. 
to free from suspicion, accusation, or imputation of guilt; prove or declare innocent: The jury cleared the defendant of the charge. 
to remove instructions or data from (a computer, calculator, etc.). 
to pass by or over without contact or entanglement: The ship cleared the reef. The fisherman cleared his line. 
to pass through or away from: The ship cleared the harbor. The bill cleared the Senate. 
to pass (checks or other commercial paper) through a clearinghouse.
(of mail, telephone calls, etc.) to process, handle, reroute, etc.: The dispatcher clears hundreds of items each day. 
to free from debt: Just a few dollars more would clear him. The widow had to borrow money to clear her husband's estate. 
to gain as clear profit: to clear $1000 in a transaction. 
to pay (a debt) in full. 
to receive authorization before taking action on: You'll have to clear your plan with headquarters. 
to give clearance to; authorize: The chairperson has to clear our speeches before the meeting. 
to authorize (a person, agency, etc.) to use classified information, documents, etc.: He has finally been cleared for highly classified information. 
to remove trees, buildings, or other obstructions from (land), as for farming or construction. 
to free (a ship, cargo, etc.) from legal detention at a port by satisfying customs and other requirements. 
to try or otherwise dispose of (the cases awaiting court action): to clear the docket. 
(of a commodity) to buy up or sell out the existing supply of. 
Skin Diving . to drain or expel unwanted water in: to clear a snorkel by sharp exhalations; to clear a regulator and face mask while underwater. 
Bridge . to establish one or more winning cards in (a given suit) by leading the suit until all the outstanding cards have been drawn: He cleared the heart suit before attacking spades.
 So, you see, they would have to prove intent, which they could not possible, to even discern my use of the word "clear."

The word "the" pretty self-explanatory as an article. If you're unclear Schoolhouse Rock has some wonderful videos.

So we come to Mohammedan. And this is the sticky wicket.


[moo-ham-i-dn, moh-]


of or relating to Muhammad or Islam; Islamic; Muslim.


an adherent of Islam; Muslim.
 As you can see it's a religious term used to describe persons of a certain Abrahamic faith. Why on earth would I possibly have any reason to wish to have them cleared? Cleared how, exactly? Is it all Mohammedans or just certain ones?

As an aside, the sentence after the one that got me banned was "All of them."

Still, it doesn't answer the question of that first word. Isn't how we define a word how we do things now? In this case I have chosen to be pedantic in extremis. Yeah, I'm fighting this ban because they have no way of knowing what I meant by that first word in the first sentence and unless they can say, with proof, exactly what I meant that means they are just using their own ignorance and biases to pin something on me that might not be true at all. But that is sort of their modus operandi, isn't it.

The okay hand sign is suddenly a White Power symbol, not a made up meme on 4Chan. Just ask Blizzard/Activision. No, seriously, they had videos made to justify banning a user. No lie. Check out The Quartering's video. Evidently the ADL is still drinking the SPL Guyana Punch.

But you know what? Hitler was a vegetarian, so...

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