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Monday, February 25, 2019

Civil War?

Many panic mongers are screeching and crying that Trump is ushering in a Civil War here in America. I can't tell you how laughable this whole idea and is presented by no facts, reason or logic. But, let's play this game.

My son, the history buff, points out that in past ages, when we had produced many young men, who were rowdy and destructive, we sent them off to war and conquer. Death puts paid to a lot of youthful exuberance. Living on does the same thing, with a strong desire to return to tradition and the comfort of happier times before the war and expansion. This is from whence Imperialism flows. It's historical and undeniable.

However, in the past century, after two World Wars, and destruction political wars that destroyed entire societies, women became a political voice and cried "No More!". And we come to where we are today. On one side we have a bunch of rabble rousing soy-boys, lifting their limp wrists and screaming for a fight only so long as they can sucker punch and come at real men from behind.

Trust me, the moment one of them gets clocked as they deserve, they will crumble like a flan in a cupboard. If faced with a fire arm they will shit themselves because they've been conditioned to fear anything stronger than they are and real life will then bite them on the balls because Momma ain't there to back your play, moron.

Papers all over the world are decrying another American Civil War. I don't worry about it, and yes, it comes from the frame of mind that knows my will and my might are greater than that of people who perceive me as the enemy. I will always win, because there is nothing I will not do, within my vision of what is moral, to win against people I see as so evil that the English language has not yet created a word to convey it. Hitler? Learn your history. Stalin? A mere piker compared to what these people increasingly demand.

All of the Antifa idiots and Left-wing psychos out there blaming Trump for the complete and utter failure of their lives want a good fight. Not surprisingly, they have a lot of women, behind them of course, screaming at them to fight their battle for them. Because there are no feminists on the battlefield. Trust me on this. Doubt me? Read the recent Federal Court ruling on male only draft being unconstitutional. Cue up Harpy screeching from the steps of SCOTUS.

I'm going to say something controversial here. You know me. No fucks are given.

War is horrible. War is hell. War is necessary. I don't like it. I spent too many years tuned into the 24 hour news cycle while both of my boys were fighting in Iraq. I would not wish that on anyone else. However, with that said, I am staring at the evidence that I am right. That my son is right. A son who toured Iraq twice and suffered greatly for it.

However, in the past, we have used war to clear our societies of harmful people who were causing problems because... they were bored. I don't think we should start wars just to conscript those individuals into ranks that will most likely see them killed or come home wounded mentally and physically. We know and can see all of this on this end of history.

Unless you're incredibly stupid or too dumb to have paid attention, you know that Australia was a penal colony where they sent that sort of person from England and North Ireland. England was not up to any wars in the 19th century, especially after the Napoleonic wars of the early part of that century. So, they took a huge continent and peopled it with criminals. It's why people from the UK tease Aussies by calling them Crim. It's a joke, a jest and acknowledging the history of their country. It doesn't matter that intersectional feminism is now ripping their country apart with hate speech laws and practically criminalizing the Y chromosome. They don't value their males. They will soon learn that their males will leave or import females who do.

I look at the recent stable of males out there, rabble rousing, and I'm absolutely stunned that anyone considers them male. They have been neutered by the educational system. Who wants a man to be more like a woman? No real woman, that's for sure. I'll be honest, my husband acts in any way I see outside the societal norm for males, and I will rip up his man card. He doesn't need to be the toughest guy on the block, not everyone can be. He just needs to be smarter. He likes chicks with guns. I shrug. Doesn't do a damned thing for me. However, show me Brock O'Hurn and I'm cheering.

Women want a man to be a man. I don't want a woman acting like a man because I'm too ugly and hateful to find a real man that would accept me. I want a man who will protect me and our children, not hide behind my skirts because I've taught him to be afraid of everything, and yet unable to shut his damned mouth because... feminism.

This is the problem with Leftists, Regressives, whatever you want to call them. Like the government in Firefly, they think they can change who people are when no one is looking. You cannot.  People are who they are, despite any attempts at social engineering. People are always going to be who they are. Psychologically you cannot deconstruct the ID and still have a functioning, sane human being left. But they try. Why do you think soy has been in such high demand for the past decade? Coincidence? No, it's estrogen based. Literally and figuratively.

For the past fifty years they have taken over the educational system. Read David Mamet's The Secret Knowledge for the down low on that. Sorta makes you want to go up in a tower with a rifle, but then you realize, they aren't worth the ammo you would need to carry up the stairs. So you just go on and snarl at any news story you see about Berkeley or any Ivy League school deriding "fucking white males".

We've had precious little to weed out our overly contentious male population until the Iraq war and in Afghanistan. But, by that time, it was too late. Having had soy and yams pushed at them since birth, most males tucked tail and his behind mommy. A group of mothers actually petitioned the armed forces to be allowed to attend boot camp with their precious snowflakes, ready to jump into a DIs face if they dared to yell at their baby boy or girl. Way to emasculate your males, ladies. Power to the pussy, amiright?

I say, let them fight. Let them fail. Real men will succeed and pass their stronger genes to the next generation to a grateful female public who are so starved for a real man they look to Vampires as real men. I'm not worried that it will last long. I expect lots of whining and crying when there are no participation trophies.

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