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Friday, April 30, 2010

Illegal Immigration and Me

With the new law in Arizona, or, to be exact, Arizona copying federal law, the Progressive Liberals are literally crawling out of the woodwork. ZOMG! We're all just racist hating haters! We don't feel like we can absorb all of the poor of the entire globe so we're hating haters. Yeah. Love the amount of thought you shitwits put into that theory.

Look, I come from immigrants. Granted they came over from Germany in 1840 and found their Manifest Destiny with the Gold Rush. There are tons of Selzers in California. On my mother's side, I come from Irish stock who came west in wagon trains and helped found towns in Montana, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. I get wanting to come over to find a better life.

Let me tell you the difference between my fore bearers and your common, everyday Mexican. My ancestors became American. They learned English and did not expect to find Little Bohemia here in the US. They did not fly a Bohemian flag as they marched down the street demanding bilingual education and forms. They did not demand rights they had not earned while damning the US for being racist haters because we refused to learn German. We did not demand that everyone celebrate our day of national independence... because we were Americans, first, last and always.

Granted, when my ancestors came to these shores and saw the port of Philadelphia, they knew that they had reached the shores where they could be anything they wanted to be. Most of all, they wanted to be Americans. They knew they could become anything here. When I wanted to learn more about where my ancestors came from I had to look it up on line. Why? Because I am such an American that no one living can remember when someone in our family was not born on American soil. I'm not German-American or Irish-American or Scots-American. I am American.

I celebrate the 4th of July. It's MY holiday. Singing the national anthem brings tears to my eyes because I think of all of the brave individuals who died so that I could sing it anytime I want, anywhere I want. Many of those individuals were in my family, going back generations. My generation is the ONLY generation on both sides of my family not to field someone to the military. However both of my boys are Marines and both fought in Iraq. I'm more proud of them than they will ever guess. They endured horrors I will never, ever know so that I can post this blog here and not be locked in some dark room until some man tells me I can do something for him.

I celebrate Christmas, and call it Christmas. I am catholic and will fight to the death for anyone to practice any religion they wish. Yes, even Mohammedans. I appreciate that I am free to think and say what I want. I love that if I don't like the people in office, I can say so and try to convince other people to vote them out of office.

Now, look at the progressives. They have Mexican nationals marching down our streets that we pay for with our taxes to scream and cry and kick and bite that we are ENFORCING OUR OWN LAWS. Screaming that we're racist haters. Normally the only illegals they see are the ones who cut their lawns or clean their pools. They don't care about these people, or they would really help them get out of the filthy squalor in the colonias.

Simply put, if you don't like the laws we have here, go back home. GO HOME. For the progressive libs.... Go to hell.

1 comment:

Enos Straitt said...

"Let me tell you the difference between my fore bearers and your common, everyday Mexican. My ancestors became American. They learned English and did not expect to find Little Bohemia here in the US. They did not fly a Bohemian flag as they marched down the street demanding bilingual education and forms. They did not demand rights they had not earned while damning the US for being racist haters because we refused to learn German. We did not demand that everyone celebrate our day of national independence... because we were Americans, first, last and always." -- Change 'Mexican' to Latino and you will paint a more accurate picture. Now granted, my wife is a Latina (her mother born in Mexico) but we both see eye to eye on immigration.

I read an article this morning ( that was pretty interesting. I like LaShawn.