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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Show Me Your Friends And I'll Tell You Who You Are

A lot of folks in Amerikania think that the healthcare thing is the ONLY thing that Obama was concerned with. Oh, baby, it's just the beginning of his "fundamental transformation" of America. Social Justice? Excuse my use of pejorative, but Nigga Please!

Social freakin justice. WTF does that mean? Exactly? It means Robin Hood. It means that anyone who thinks that someone has something better than they do can whine loud enough so that Nancy Pelosi will take it away from you and give it to them, until someone whines about them.

Screw you, hippy.

Let's look at the Progressives.

Woodrow Wilson - President of the US - biggest racist EVAR, and a firm believer in eugenics. Reinstated segregation in schools. Held up as the beacon of the Progressive movement.
Margaret Sanger - Founder of Planned Parenthood. Second behind Wilson as racist. She opened up planned parenthood to eradicate the black race through birth control and abortion.
LBJ - President of the US - Brought us the Great Society via the enslavement of the poor and minorities by the welfare system. He also brought us Medicare and Medicaid. If he wasn't already dead, I'd kill him myself.
Che Guevarra - Cuban murderer, wait.... radical marxist... no... that's not it. Let's leave it at maniacal mass murderer.
Mao Tse Tung - Chinese pedophile, mass murderer
Joseph Stalin - Russian Marxist, mass murderer
Pol Pot - Cambodian Marxist, mass murderer

Holy Cats, I'm sensing a theme! Are you?

So. the next time some snot nosed college piece of crap proudly declares themselves to be a progressive, hit them with a brick.

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