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Saturday, May 13, 2023

Me Me Me Is Not Just A Warm Up

 Eric D July, on Critical Drinker's podcast recently opined that all of these screechers are basically just boring and they take over and hijack things in an attempt to get notice. Because notice is the social currency they have been conditioned to crave.

But I dug deeper. Because it's what I do. I must have been born with a shovel in my hand. Perhaps I should be more appreciative of my egg donor, but, on second thought, no.

They take over and hijack things to try to make you accept them.

They have no interest in comic books or gaming. They have no ability to accept good story telling. Name one Marxist who could tell a good story. I'll wait.

For me, my notice of this was brought forth in gaming. This was in the years I wasn't even gaming at all. I'd stopped playing WoW and my poor Steam account was begging me to play Borderlands2. "Come on, Sev. Doncha wanna see and hear Claptrap again?" God help me, I did, but I was too busy writing books.

Then, while I was cruising around the Breitbart News site, I happened upon an article by Allum Bokhari and Milo Yiannopoulis. It was about gaming journos accepting sexual and monetary favors for good reviews for video games. No lie. Just ask Zoey Quinn about it. In between murdering men she lures into her honey trap. She was sleeping with no less than seven men, plus her own boyfriend, for good reviews for her crappy depression game.

Then in steps Anita Sarkesian and she's all about the grift. She has spent the past ten years trying to reclaim her fifteen minutes to try to get more money out of an industry that never needed or wanted her in it. She doesn't even game! But, she needed to crowd fund tens of thousands of dollars for a Discord server. Let that sink in for a moment. I have a Discord server. People I game with have Discord servers. Teenagers have Discord Servers. It ain't hard or expensive, Anita. Shoulda looked that one up, Cupcake.

Neither one of those chicks are gamers. They wanted to invade an industry to make people they wanted to like them accept them into their group. That didn't happen. They were exposed for the lying harpies they are.

Take the movie industry. They flocked to Disney and Netflix and have ruined them in their made desire to be loved and accepted by people who are actually repulsed by them. No sane person, in the whole history or man, thinks Cleopatra was black. Why? Because we were taught history by people who didn't use Howard Zinn history books.

Millennials have a self-destructive need for altruism, which is possibly the most selfish thing I've ever seen. Most importantly, they do it against their own self-interest. Because they've been taught they should be martyrs. No, that they MUST be martyrs on the altar of Wokism. 

Gen Z are different, and yet not. They appear to be able to peek behind the curtain and see the crap for what it is, but still want to fit in among their peers. I have hope for Gen Z and hold none for Millennials.

For decades, as I watched my kids and their cohort grow up, I said we would have to throw away, almost completely, one generation. I wasn't sure until 2008 it would be Millennials, but then it became horribly obvious it would be. I'm still watching Gen Z.

They have been taught, through the "Self-Esteem" syllabus, that they are greatest, the bestest EVAR because... Just because. They didn't have to do anything to earn it and then they started handing out Participation Trophies because they were able to show up.

When they began growing into their little minds they expected everything to be like Little League. They expected straight As for merely showing up at school. No effort needed, you're breathing, brother, here's your accolades. Doubt me? How many schools around you have graduation ceremonies from Kindergarten or have eliminated valedictorians?

They went to college being told and believing that mere attendance would get them a degree. Knowledge? Just parrot back what Marxist teacher says and you'll get there. They were hired into jobs by Marxist psych majors who needed to pay off college loans to come in and parrot Marxist ideologies and work to tear down the systems that paid their way. They didn't have to actually work, they just needed to make sure their inserted their crap politics into everything and they would be loved and lauded throughout the world.

Then the venture capital ran out. Suddenly, the journos and influencers were no longer protected from scrutiny and lo and behold the babies began to cry. This wasn't how it was supposed to be! They had been told that if they towed the party line (my use is more accurate than the usual use of the word toed in this instance) they would be loved by all, accepted by all no matter how they debased themselves publicly. No amount of cope will get your original reproductive organs or sex organs back. Hasta la vista sexual pleasure.

Whack off and carve out your genitals. Do it in full public view! You don't need a psych eval to see if you truly need it, this is all for The Cause. The Cause is never fully understood, but asking for an explanation gets you kicked off the plantation and no one wants that, right?

Self-Immolate for The Cause. Accept utter and complete degradation of your body and your mind for The Cause.

You'll be famous.

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