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Thursday, January 12, 2023

Here We Go Again aka WHY?


So, Patch 6.3 came out this week. I jumped in with both feet, so excited to see where the story is going now that SPOILER ALERT we're done with the Ascians.

I was happily gamboling about Garlemald and the brakes were stamped upon by Yoshi P once again MAKING ME PLAY A CLASS I DONT WANT TO PLAY AT ALL by making me play as Zero, the new Mystery Box in the game.

Yeah, I would like to get to know her and braid her hair and talk about boys during a slumber party with Y'shtola and everything, but, and I have to stress this, I HAVE NO DESIRE WHATSOEVER to play a Reaper. Ever. Period. Full stop.

The only semi-melee characters I play are ranged and built on the same platform, DNC and MCH. I love Dancer and Machinist so much. I know the lore of the Reaper and yeah, it's rich but... I don't want to play one. Same as I have no desire to play Blue Mage or Red Mage for that matter. I don't want to play Summoner or Sage either.

Koji, tell Yoshi P, PLEEZE, some of us have no desire to do the up close kill. I don't like to be a tank, so I don't play one. I'm not the one to lead a dungeon or poke a monster in the ass like a Dragoon. <Insert JoCat ESTINIEN! scream here>

So, once again, I am stuck in the Main Scenario quests and cannot progress because Yoshi P is forcing me to play a Job I don't like, don't want to play and don't care enough about to learn to even get through the freakin instance.


Please, Koji, tell him to stop this shit.

Please, dear God, for the love of Science, just stop.

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