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Saturday, May 09, 2020


I've spend the past nearly five months observing the people on this planet. There are truly two types of people. Control Freaks and those who realize they're not in control and really don't care, they just want to live their lives, pay their mortgage and try to get promoted or buy that special dress for their daughter for her Prom. Freaks, right?

I think this cannot be more clearly illustrated that in St. Louis, MO where they had a snitch hot line where neighbors could snitch on other neighbors for breaking curfew or social distancing rules. This was brought about by Control Freaks who want order above all, but it all stems from a need to mind everyone's business but their own. See your closes mental health professional for a further information if you don't get that.

My God, wouldn't Angela Merkel just love this Stasi bullshit? She could cry about her Stasi father and how much he would have loved it. However... there was a... what should I call it? A hitch. Yes, I'll call it a hitch in the Final Solution in not doing what Dear Leader has told you to do. Missouri, God bless their Show Me Hearts, have a Sunshine Law. According to the Sun:

The Sunshine Law applies to all records of a public body, regardless of what form they are kept in, and allows the public to access documentation, unless it's covered by an exception that closes it, keeping details private.
So, all of these people who called in because they saw a couple holding hands in the park, or a guy walking his dog without a mask on were suddenly unmasked themselves and oh the wailing the gnashing of teeth.

It wasn't just being slung about at the local grocery store, shouted across six feet of separation, no, it was posted everywhere people who were bored at home had access to it.

Oh, please God, don't let my neighbors or employer know that I'm a tattling baby who just can't control my need to control everyone around me. Drink that in for a moment. People who cannot control themselves wanting to control everyone else.

I think that the moment schools reopen the entire student body should demand Sunshine Laws for school and teacher snitches. You would be amazed at how many people suddenly find their own navel worthy of a gaze or two.

So, you're a control freak. How much control do you feel like you have? You control you and that's it. You don't and can't control anyone else. Stop trying because it brings everyone around you grief when you try.

Thanks for playing the game. The simulation will continue until you learn.

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