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Friday, March 08, 2019

Watching the Dumpster Fire

I've spent most of this week looking at early reviews and finally, today, movie-goer reviews of the Captain Marvel movie. Even things that were marked good at Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic were ugly reviews. I'll be honest, when a female Time magazine reviewer shits all over your movie because, and I quote, "It's boring", you've got a serious problem.

This is after Rotten Tomatoes killed there "Want To See It" feature for before the movie is released, then blaming review bombing when no reviews were up yet because the movie only released publicly last night. The preview - reviewers came in and the sycophants were pretty obvious right out of the gate, and then a credentialed reviewer came out and admitted the "slow pitch" bad reviews for access, you know, free premiers and parties with the catering crew. Not a good time for THAT to be released.

Even before the movie began being screened the rumor mill was already running the Kevin Feige, of the Marvel Cinematic Universe had ordered reshoots and alternate editing of the film because of all of the blow back from the star of the Catpan Marvel movie not being able to keep her sexist/racist mouth shut. Then the ONLY good press you're getting about your movie while it's in previews is about a damned cat, you know you're going to pay for it with your next film.

The next film is Avengers: Endgame. In that, it was prophesied that Carl Manvers would just jump in and deliver the finishing blow on Thanos because, oooo, she's just so powerful. Right.
Back in the 70s, in her Ms. Marvel days, Rogue beat her like a red-headed step-child. Carol Danvers was not the first female Captain Marvel, Monica Rambeau was. Brie Larson stole this role from a black woman.
This, my children, is the first female Captain Marvel, then Photon, then Pulsar, and finally Spectrum. Monica Rambeau, former NOPD cop. She WAS actually bad ass and very intriguing. I loved her the very first time I saw her in a Spiderman comic book in that ridiculous costume she had back then. Folded boots? How Green Arrow, amiright?

I've always thought that the actress, Candice Patton, who plays Iris West on The Flash would be an excellent Monica Rambeau. She has personality and she can actually act, which based on Larson's performance in this movie, I have to say she can't. It's that or she was tragically miscast and Disney will make sure she sticks to Lifetime Women in Peril movies to stretch her divorce mom with no child-support skills. She rocks at that.

Anyhoodles, the reviews from the audience at Rotten Tomatoes is down to 23% as of this writing and appear to be dropping still. The great prediction that the movie was open to $180 million is now down to $40 for the weekend. And, the reviews are not mean, but they are brutally honest. The biggest complaint is that people feel they had to see this movie to get Endgame and all they get is a badly formulaic movie with bad CGI and anti-aging and an actress who couldn't act her way out of a paper bag with a gun to her head.

Speaking of a gun to the head, read the good reviews and then imagine the writer at their keyboard with a gun to their head and you understand the reviews so much better.

The Mouse didn't watch the star of what was supposed to be the opened to the next great decade of the MCU, which they own, and she shot her mouth off and people started educating themselves. Wonderful thing, this internet.

It didn't help that her comic book can't make it past 7 issues and it already looking at having it's 7th reboot canceled. I'll be honest, Carol Danvers isn't even mildly interesting in an ensemble cast like The Avengers. She's just really not likable or relatable to anyone, she never has been. I was just a little girl when I first encountered her in the 70s, but I told my dad she was a rip-off of Wonder Woman and she was a women's libber and I hated them by the time I was six. You've got to have a pretty stupid organization if even a first grader can see through your BS.

So, yeah, I was never going to see this movie, not even if it was necessary for Endgame because I know the story and frankly, Carol Danvers isn't in it for me. She's not necessary or even wanted according to some of the cast of The Avengers. I foresee there being a long wait for another Marvel movie with her even in it. My best guess is, it will get quiet and Brie Larson will silently slip into made for TV movies and obscurity where people of her level of talent belong with no one watching cable anymore.

Do yourself a favor, go see the "real" Captain Marvel, Shazam, instead or Alita Battleangel. Unless you have insomnia and have a cure. 83% of the the reviews swear the movie is a cure.

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