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Saturday, July 03, 2010

Pre-4th Thoughts

It's raining as we prepare for our annual block party and we see small signs that it might... might clear up by tomorrow. I just got through watching a snippet on the centennial celebration of Ronald Reagan's birthday next year from his Presidential Library. It reminded me of how much I respected and admired the man. I voted for him in my very first time at the ballot box in 1984. He never gave me reason to regret that, as have others I have voted for that came after.

They were showing a piece of the Berlin wall that the German people gave to the people in America. I had to sit and sort all of the thoughts that hit my brain at the same time upon seeing that piece of the wall. Oh, I've seen pictures of the wall, seen the same movies of it coming down, etc. But never before has my brain connected so many dots at the same time to cause a moment of perfect clarity for me. I remember the wall, and I remember two Germanies. I remember East and West. My kids don't get "The Wall" or the significance of it coming down. They were very young when it happened. They don't understand the Cold War or the worry of a Nuclear Winter.

The old blessing of "May you live in interesting times" is one my generation can understand, because our entire lives have been lived in upheaval, lies, shame, and a deep-seated need for independence. Most of our parents were hippies, hippie wannabes, or closet conservatives who embraced the whole 70's Me Generation with the gusto of a Schlitz beer. Yes, I am the Queen of the Arcane Reference. We grew up being shuttled from pillar to post, divorces, remarriages, lots of "uncles" and for the most part, being on our own far too early and for way too long.

Most of the friends I have know this type of upbringing all too well. And, unfortunately, many of us have passed it along to our own children, or become the polar opposite, the Helicopter Parent.

Luckily, because my generation knew the Cold War and saw capitalism bring down the wall and Socialism, we are all about being able to live our own lives with as little government intervention as possible, for the most part. There are mooches and greedy opportunists in every batch of spawn. But we know that the Progressive Liberal agenda is NOT for us. We know that the only people who can take care of us is us. We don't want anyone to make decisions for us. We know that we are perfectly capable of taking care of ourselves.

The Founding Fathers felt the same way. I think we all may be on to something.

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