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Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Let It Happen

I've listened to Glenn Beck's whining on the radio. I like Beck, but man, just STFU, already. Cut out the whining and hand wringing. It's bad, yes. And let me let you in on a secret, it's got to get way worse before we can make it better. Let it happen.

This is a fundamental, core strategy that is out there for all to know, yet few understand it. The Go Galt folks get it. They realize that the Progressive Liberal Agenda must, MUST, be allowed to reach it's apogee, it's apex, in order for it to fall and crush itself under its own weight so that every and I mean EVERYONE can see it for what it is. Then, and only then, can we, the producers, the people of ability, begin to rebuild this country in the image the Founders intended.

Now, when proposed with this vacuum producing scenario, many limp dicks whine and moan about the fact that it could start a civil war? Start? Baby, are you looking at the same country I am? It began in the freakin' 60's and it's just now starting to boil. It's been happening for over 40 years, but everyone didn't want to notice, didn't want to admit it was happening. I've been aware of this my entire life, ever since I was able to discern right from wrong. Hell, even in the 80s I saw it, recognized it and waited.

We have to stop fighting. Yes, Glen Beck, I said to STOP FIGHTING IT! Let it happen. Allow it to happen. Find out what happens when their own blinders are ripped away from their eyes. Find out what happens when their enslaved entitlement ghettos rise up against them when there are no longer any rich to steal from. Find out what happens when there is no longer "somebody else's money" to pilfer to give to the ghettos to keep them empowered.

When I proposed this to my eldest son, who has had two tours in Iraq and seen war, he got very angry with me. He said it would create a vacuum of power and China would be the first to step in and everything he fought for would have been for nothing. No Freedom. No Life. I could only look at him and paraphrase John Galt's response to Dagny Taggart about Ivy Starnes.

"What makes you think their goal is life?"

Look at their agenda closely. Anthropogenic Global Warming and Climate Change. Pollution killing polar bears, we're bad, OMG we all just need to die and let the Earth be as it should be.

So let them proceed with their agenda. Let them go so that their end game is clearly seen by everyone they try to pull in. Step back and let go. Trust me on this, it is the most freeing of mental workouts. Stop fighting and let it happen.

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