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Saturday, April 03, 2010

Eating Our Young

As I sat watching some Alfonzo Rachel videos on YouTube, I noticed two themes screaming from his presentations. One is the the absolute hypocrisy of the Liberal Left, which I think most rational human beings will agree upon. The second is more disturbing. It is sacrificing our own children to prevent any pain or suffering on our part. It made me pause everything that I was doing and think about the situation, and then look at it historically, politically, and socially. When you put them all together it makes you want to scrub your brain with bleach.

The recent take over of student loans by Momma Gubmint infuriates me. Why can liberals not get it through their heads? The world needs ditch diggers, too. Not everyone SHOULD go to college. Not everyone WANTS to go to college. Most kids who go to college wind up quitting before their freshman credits are completed. Liberals will cry and say it's because they don't have enough money. I cry BS. It's because most of them just don't want to be there. Not everyone can be educated, as the Progressive Liberal movement has failed to learn from their many failed social engineering attempts, such as public school, would show.

Progressive Liberals wanted all children to get an education. They said an education would lift the poor out of the ghettos and everyone would be rich and shiny and happy. Well, more than 100 years after the inception of the Public School ideal, we still have people in ghettos. Not everyone is rich, shiny or happy. Listen to me again, the world needs ditch diggers, too.

Progressive Liberals then decided it was the teachers who were at fault. The teachers were just teaching reading, writing and arithmetic. How could people be rich, shiny and happy if they just learned boring old stuff like that? So they took over teaching the teachers and invaded all the teaching positions. Well, more than 40 years after that started people are still not all rich, shiny and happy. Again, the world needs ditch diggers, too.

Then they decided it was because they were forced to teach what the rich white men wanted them to teach, you know, to keep the poor, unhappy, unshiny people down. So they began stacking the school boards and text book committees. And still, twenty years later we still have ghettos, still have unemployed, still have filthy people amongst us. The world still needs ditch diggers.

But think about their philosophy on children. No, really, really think about it. They are all for abortion on demand, stem-cell research, and robbing our childrens future to pay for their pension funds today. They spit on soldiers who fight for the freedom for little children and fall on grenades so that children will not be hurt. They would rather we ignore the horrific tyrannies that were Iraq and Afghanistan where women and children were seen as worthless chattel, unworthy of educating. These are the people the Liberal Loons worship. I say, send Joy Behar over to represent the wonderful Liberal Womanhood to the Taliban overlords. I want to see how long she thinks they're OK guys.

They would rather you abort a baby so that they can use stem cells to keep them from getting older. Kill a baby so they don't get old and wrinkle. Yes, that is a moral imperative. They would rather blacks, Asians and Hispanics use abortion as population control or even full on genocide. Where the hell do YOU think Margaret Sanger was coming from?

Another thing to the Liberals, just something that Zo happened to mention in one of his videos, addressing his hate mail. Do you really think that you've turned the tables at all on the Conservative Americans who just want the government out of their lives? Do you honestly think that playing the same games as the hippy losers of the 60's, still looking for a bit of relevance before they die, old and wrinkled, will get you that touchdown? Not with the sanction of this victim, baby. Oh, no. I've spent my life learning words have a real meaning. And trust me, I will use all of yours to choke you.

You want my kids and any money they make in their lives so you can fund another welfare queen? Come and try to get them honey. I'm in Texas, and I believe there is no bag limit on Progressive Liberals. Especially ones who try to hijack our textbooks.

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