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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thankful for Thanksgiving

This morning as I prepare to bake a couple of pies and some side dishes, I think of the things I'm thankful for. I know, the usual, family, friends, bountiful harvest... uhm... good haul this year despite a crap administration that wouldn't know free market or capitalism if it bit them on the ass.

I am thankful that people are waking up from the stupor they've been in for... ever. This is what really gets me, they can raise your taxes, quietly deny you more and more freedoms, but tell you that they are going to mess around in your healthcare decisions and you people are out of bed like the father in The Night Before Christmas. Regardless of what got your dazed brains awake, you spoke up, and some, for the first time ever, protested and yelled and made themselves heard. Thank you conservative types for realizing that the squeaky wheel adage is still true. I grabbed this cartoon from Big Government. They are a little ACORNcentric, but you know, they find the truth at the bottom of all the crap the libs are busy trying to sling and sleight of hand they use to try to hide their agenda.

This is what I have been saying all along. Every single swinging dick on Capitol Hill are busy pushing THEIR will, not ours. Well, I'm sorry Barbara Boxer and Nancy Pelosi, that's not why you're elected. You are elected to do the will of your constituency, not what you think will make the world a better place for you to control.

I am also thankful that the Americanian Peoples are becoming more and more aware of the insidious process the "Progressives" are using to try to pull the wool over our eyes while they try to take over the Earth. This is my rock, not yours. STFU and lie down. Stop assuming everyone who isn't you is too stupid to know for themselves what is best for them. Trust me, I've seen the way you people dress. Can you honestly believe, for one second I want you making truly important decisions for ME? No. Not just no. HELL NO!

So, off I go to cook goodies and keep my husband out of the goodies, and you folks sit back, overeat, and be thankful for your freedoms, because if the libs have a damned thing to do with it, you won't have them long.

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