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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Epic Fail

Watching the Libs try to force the foul tasting elixir of Socialized Medicine down the throats of resistant Americans has been educational. Let's see how I've seen little lights come on over dimmed heads all over...

When the press finally realized that Obama might have an agenda and not one clue. This one was fantastic. I can't wait for the all out feeding frenzy as Obama comes to realize that the press are not and should not be his friends.

When the press finally realized the hubris of Pelosi and her Clown Cadre in the House. Do you really know more about how I should live my life, Nancy? No? I didn't think so, bitch. I already have one mom I don't listen to and don't particularly like on any given day of the week. I don't need another. You should have mothered your own kids when you had the chance, and perhaps we wouldn't all be suffering through your mommy angst now.

When Obama realized that abortion may still be a hot button issue, that one got me right here. Yes, Barack, people still care whether or not we kill the unborn. Why? Because, and you don't even realize it yet, if elective abortions weren't available so that people had to deal with their irresponsible decision making process, you would have millions more potential votes. You Pro-Choicers are killing the people who might vote for you in the future. Yeah, limited vision is what you are all about.

I don't need the government to tell me when I should get a mammogram or even IF I should get a mammogram, pap smear or blood test. In fact, I need the government to tell me very little. I need for the government to provide for the defense of this nation and the common welfare, which does NOT entitle ANYONE to a lifetime of support because they are too victimized by the color of their skin and/or economic standing to get an education and job on MY dime. So the next time I make a nasty remark behind some Bellmead 400 pound jobless, wedless mother of at least the 6 kids running around me screaming in full voice, don't act shocked. Everyone should be doing it. Perhaps if some SHAME was attached to their behavior they just might stop having 8 kids by 8 different men that they have to all have dragged down to the tax-payer supported child support enforcement court so the tax-payers can pay for DNA Test after DNA Test until they hit the man who donated half his genetic material so you can get food stamps, free health care and paid for housing. It's on my dime, Punkin'. I have the right to observe you with disdain. You're spending my money on cokes for your kids and babies still in diapers.

And that, ladies and gentlemen is what Nancy Pelosi and her Libercrats want for us all. To be beggars, kneeling before them, begging for every morsel. I swear to God, you can almost see her shaking with joy over the thought of us all under subjugation with her handing out alms to us.

Yeah, that's going to go over big with Texans.

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