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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Teabagging Liberals

You know what I think is hilarious? As a conservative and gamer, I think that the liberal habit of referring to conservatives as "teabaggers" is just about the ultimate in pejorative cluelessness as it gets.

Teabagging, for the two or three out there who do not know what it is, is the act of using your game avatar to stand and squat over the head of your fallen opponent, in a video game making it look as if you are "teabagging" your balls in his eye sockets. It's an allegory for rubbing salt into a wound. It also hearkens to ultimate pwnage.

So, perhaps you can see why calling me a teabagger doesn't really upset me. In fact, in my usual self-important way, it shows me that they recognize my dominance over them. However, they don't get the part where they fall down and shut the hell up.

What I don't get is the attempt by liberals in congress to shove something down our throats that we have clearly stated we don't want and will not suffer. Congress works for us, they don't dictate to us. I think Pelosi and Boxer and Reid need to remember this and perhaps the only reminder they will get is being voted out of office. Hope springs eternal.

So, call me a teabagger. And forgive my immature giggle if you do. I'll just be imagining pwning your ass in Halo.

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