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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Everyone's A Little Bit Racist

Avenue Q was right. Besides being the biggest Tony award winning Broadway show of its season, it taught us valuable lessons. Like the fact that normally upstanding helicopter parents saw nothing wrong whatsoever bringing their kids to a show with puppet sex and bawdy songs. Hypocrites, you make me smirk and stir my pot faster.

With the recent accusations of racism on anyone and everyone who does not toe the Obama line, I've come to see that everyone is racist. And do you want to know the biggest, closeted offenders? No, not Mexicans, come on, that's just ignorance and refusal to assimilate. No, it's the fancy pants liberals that have been singing Kumbayah and Can't We All Just Get Along lo these many years.

I know, immediately you bristle and scream that I'm wrong and then demand I prove it.

OK, prepared to be schooled in the insidious subversion going on in liberal teaching. Glen Beck is going to love this so much he's going to beg me to be on his show. Just like some will beg me to prove what liberals have already proven.

First, let's touch that liberal third rail - Affirmative Action. Oh, ouch, bringing out the big gun first. Oh, yeah. First, let us define exactly what affirmative action is.

affirmative action
Function: noun
Date: 1965
: an active effort to improve the employment or educational opportunities of members of minority groups and women; also : a similar effort to promote the rights or progress of other disadvantaged persons

OK, looks simple enough. Sounds like the whole diversity thing by another name, doesn't it? What's wrong with this? Quota driven acceptance rather than merit driven acceptance led to books like "The Peter Principle" and words like "mediocre" gaining usage more and more.

So, what's wrong with race or gender driven acceptance rather than merit driven acceptance? Because what the affirmative action person knows deep down inside is that they would not be there except for genetics or their parents' inability to earn enough money. If not for the fact that she has two X chromosomes that woman would not be in that med school, nudging out a more qualified person to fill some arbitrary quota made up by liberals so that they can feel above it all because they didn't need affirmative action to reach their lofty aeries. Daddy's money bought it for them so that they could feel guilty about being rich and therefore feel it's their Science given mission in life to seek out poor and underprivileged people to bestow largess they haven't earned and probably don't deserve. Therefore making mediocre cream rise to the top.

Anyone who tells you that you need to suffer because you're better, because you're able, kick them in the nads and then keep kicking them while they're down. Then hunt down their family and kick them so that no genetic trace of them is left on the face of this planet.

You think my ideas are obscene? Take a look at theirs? Telling blacks they are not good enough for this or that so they need "a hand up" because god knows they're not smart enough to do it themselves, making an entire class of mediocre entitlement babies who think they don't need to pay their bills or parent their children because they are supposed to be handed everything because of the color of their skin. Thank you LBJ and your Great Society. Fucker. Poor little black boy can't make it because he's black. Screw that! He can work hard just like everyone else and earn it the same way white kids all over have to.

I wouldn't want any job or position that I got because I was a purple, goat-headed sherpa from Malawi and they just happened to need one, regardless of my abilities or qualifications.

Shit! Now I know how Obama got elected!

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