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Monday, August 17, 2009

Too Dumb To Connect the Dots

Recently the Whitehouse Brownshirts asked that patriotic Americanians who found their neighbors, co-workers or complete strangers "disinformation on the healthcare system" to be opposite of what the politicians are trying to shove down our throats with nary a glance at the bill in front of the House or Senate, to turn their names and or contact information over to the White House.

Oh really, Herr Kommisar?
Da Paminyatchik.

Yes, I am mixing metaphors. Why? Because for a severely left, liberal administration, there are some very scary Fascist leanings in much of what I have seen, heard and read in the past few weeks.

Now, less than a week later, Press Secretary Gibbs is blindsided by a Fox News reporter, Major Garrett, who asked why people were contacting him wanting to know how the White House got their e-mail address to send them "news" on the current Health Care Debate. When pressed, Gibbs crawfished, obfuscated, and then completely deflected the Fox News reporter by asking a "more constructive" reporter for a softball question. Then, when presented with the un-solicited emails, Gibbs refused to speak to the Fox reporter at all. Today, the White House, after a weekend to spin a tale worth of The Brothers Grimm, says that a third party "email address harvester" had done the deed.

Really? They can do that? Do you expect me to believe that a third party spammer is responsible for sending out information dealing with administration policy to e-mail addresses they buy from people who troll chat rooms and internet forums harvesting e-mail address therein?

To paraphrase an urban phrase, Nigga Please!

It's clear that the liberal elite in the states, Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Hilary Clinton, and Bill Maher, feel that we are too stupid to understand these things so they can just blatantly trot them out, call it anything they please, and stand back as the sheeple feed at the information trough. Bill Maher has said as much at his speaking addresses. This from a man who once fondled a vibrator in a movie about a Washington DC cab company. I'm so glad the Hollywood Acting Party is so ready to tell us how to live our lives. To quote Charles Stamp in the movie Get Smart, when asked why he was blowing up the movie stars in LA, "Yes. What will we do without their razor-sharp political advice."

I think the real idiocy started in the 1930s and just got worse with the hippies and is now a shining example before us in the great Socialist Kumbuyah known as the Democratic Party in America. It is not the job of the government to cover for me because I was too stupid to save up for my retirement. It is not the job of the government to cover my health care, or support me for life on Welfare, or make my down payment and recycle my car because I don't work hard enough to keep my credit score up.

People, the state of our nation today is an amalgam of the hippies and the 1970s entitlement era where we thought we had a right to a McMansion, Lexus and free health care. These things are NOT a right. We earn these things through hard work and proper financial planning. Education is not a right. I think the hippies 8 years in college before deciding on a major showed us that. It's like the guy who wrote the thought that welfare collectors should have to take piss tests before they get their money. We have to take a piss test to get our jobs. We can be randomly tested or tested if there is an incident, any kind of incident, at no notice. Why not the welfare queens and their 17 kids? Why are we being so soft on illegal immigrants? What the hell happened to "provide for the common defense"?

I'll tell you what happened. Politicians who think they know better than we do how we should live our lives happened. They are in the process of trying to pillory Sarah Palin for outing their "End of Life" counseling. Ladies and gentlemen, if you honestly think that some bureaucrat sitting at some desk with some table on what your life if worth should be making the decision whether or not you should get cancer treatment, then please, off yourself right now, before you breed. If you've bred already, please give your offspring a chance to grow up intelligent and inquisitive and off yourself right now, after you give them a copy of Atlas Shrugged, work up a tear and say that you wish you'd been smart enough to read it. Please, do one decent thing in your life and get off my planet.

If you believe that the White House, in no way, whatsoever, was intending to use the narced names turned in to them, then you belong to the most gullible class and I will be forwarding your name and phone number to every telemarketer and Nigerian spammer I can find.

If you think the vapid, vacuous air heads in Hollywood are qualified and competent enough to be making life decisions for you, then I have a time-share in Florida for you. Right next door to Mel Gibson. I swear.

If you think that refusing to think for yourself or accept responsibility for living in this world... I have an immediate opening for a punching bag. Apply within.

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