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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

... And, I'm Here To Help...

It is said that the scariest words in the English language are "Hi, I'm from the government and I'm here to help." Leaving the recent brouhaha over health care in the anteroom, this was brought to home to me earlier this year when Spring rains caused the lake my sister lives on to flood several homes in the rural area in which she. She and 8 other home owners had their houses ruined by flood waters.

Now, you may say, "Oh, she has flood insurance!" Yes, she does. As do all the people making payments on homes out there as a condition of their mortgage. They must purchase Federal Flood Insurance. I repeat, it is requisite for lenders to lend them money for a mortgage for each home owner on the lake to hold a flood insurance policy. Because they live on a lake, traditional home owner's insurance companies will not cover flood damage so they are FORCED to purchase government flood insurance.

When these homeowners went to file their claims they were told by a bureaucrat that they were not due damages because the flood insurance only starts if 10 or more homes in that development are flooded in one instance of flooding. My sister said she was sorely tempted to walk next door and throw a bucket of water on their house and claim flood damage. I was ready to hold the bucket while she filled it up.

Now, I don't know what the other folks did, however there are now more than a few abandoned homes in her area. My sister had to find a place for her and her family to live while work she could not afford was done to restore her home. Her bosses, some of the finest people I've ever heard of, offered her the use of their guest house. Then, these folks threw a benefit for her to raise money she needed to buy the materials to repair her home, and she held a judgment on a contractor for the work to be done. She made damned sure they were square. She's lucky, will still owe a lot of money for things here and there, however, she didn't have to just walk away from her ruined home.

So... let's think about this story for a moment. What is going to happen when all of the baby-boomers start sucking at the Social Security and Medicare tit at age 65, as they have already begun to do? I say, start the rationing with them. Please. It would do my heart so much good to see these freaks of nature, former hippies, have to sit before some review board and be told that they can't have their Viagra or Medical Marijuana because the coverage only kicks in if some random number of people needing the same things can be met. And that number always changes just to be out of their elitist reach.

Let them sit there and listen to some guy they went to college with explain to them that there were only 16 kidney transplants budgeted for that year, and they were number 17 on the list. Better kidnap some kid in Calcutta and hope they meet your tissue type. Come on, you need that kidney. He's just some ignorant waif in a third world country that you only know because sometime in 1969 you're pretty sure you were sober enough to read somewhere that George Harrison went there to learn the Sitar. Elitism is horrific, and ridiculous. And you all know how I respond to the ridiculous.

The people pushing all of this "Let the government take care of you" crap down our throats are elitists. They honestly believe that they are better suited to tell us how to live our lives than we are. They are social engineers and folks, social engineering is wrong. Even more wrong than profiling. I'm pretty certain all of the poor warehoused in tenements and government housing don't think that letting the government take care of them was for the best. However, they are now generations into inurement of living like cattle in a pasture.

Look, money doesn't help, education hasn't really helped. What will help? Stop helping them. Stop trying to help all of us. Life is pain, and anyone who tries to tell you different is trying to sell you something. Thank you Princess Bride. If people have to, HAVE TO, do for themselves, they will. Most people, if someone else is doing for them, see no reason to stop them from doing it. Welfare, anyone? Did that really help anyone, or keep an already de-incentivized class down where they would be needy for the elite to help them?

Look, they don't want to help you. They don't want you to ever get any better and not need to beg from them anymore. They get off on that shit. They like holding the whip and making sure you have to crawl to them for every little scrap of anything. They like tearing down your pride because they hate you for being proud. They hate the able, they want to destroy they able. They use the honor code of the able to destroy them.

Don't let them. Expose them when you find them. And then this is what you do. Laugh at them. Robert Ludlum made a very good observation in his novel "The Aquitaine Progression". An old army officer told the protagonist of the book that laughter will bring the fanatics down. Exposing them for the ridiculous charades they are, and forcing it to the light of day and knowledge of everyone kills it, kills them.

So laugh at them. Laugh long and hard. And then whap them with the clue by four.

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