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Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Woke Up This Morning

I woke up this morning with a doctor's appointment staring me in the eye. Now, I realize that this does not have the immediacy of a blues song, or the compelling hook line with Howlin Wolf growling it out, but it's my morning. And that's what I woke up to.

People who know me know that I am a nut for blues music. My dream vacation is to visit juke joints in the Delta region and try to commune with the ghost of Robert Johnson at the crossroads one dawn. I put it out there every year and every year the philistines I am related to by blood and marriage veto the idea. I have a good mind to do it on my own.

Now, normally I avoid people like the plague. I am a misanthrope of a huge magnitude. I don't like people, don't like being around them, and mostly, I prefer to avoid their vapid stupidity much like city folk avoid cows and the messes they make. However, I would gleefully forge into peopled places to listen to some good blues. When we were in Nawlins (before Katrina) I sat in Jefferson Square for a good while enjoying Dr. John's concert there by the river while out scouring the Quarter for a deal on a purse. I love the South by Southwest music festival down in Austin for some of the blues you can hear there. The ONLY songs I know how to play on the guitar are all blues. It's my favorite genre with Alternative running a close second. However, I won't even think twice about going out to see an Alternative or Rock act. Blues music is God's gift to the hearing world. This is my belief.

Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, the doctor's appointment. I hate them almost as much as I hate communing with the sorry excuse for cud chewing humanity out there. Because I have a chronic disease, Type 1 diabetes, I have to go several times a year, to more than one doctor. I do wonder, with all this health care brouhaha going on, if I could work it in to where I am not forced to go to the doctor unless I'm actually sick. Then I'd never have to go in. Simply put, I rarely get sick enough to have to see the doctor, even though I have a endocrine disease that wants me to die more than Nancy Pelosi. In fact, Nancy sends encouraging letters to diabetes.

The thing is, I don't want Nationalized healthcare. It's a stupid idea. I have family in Europe who envy our system. You want something for nothing? Tell you what, read the chapter in Atlas Shrugged where Dagny Taggart invites a freeloading bum into her private car and offers him a meal and gets to see the fullness of what all this social engineering is. Better yet, read Anthem to see the end of that bleak road. Nancy Pelosi is Ivy Starnes, and trust me, there is no larger evil in literature than that bitch.

You cannot get something for nothing. You cannot consume more than you produce. You cannot eat your cake and have it, too. You always, always ALWAYS get what you pay for.

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