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Thursday, May 28, 2009

What is 911 For?

Well slap me on the head and call me Shorty, but I was taught that 911 was only to be dialed for emergencies. So I guess, what the subtext of my spiel here is, what constitutes an emergency?

I looked up emergency in the dictionary, just to be sure that I was using and understanding the word correctly, as I was taught to do in school. It read thusly:

1. an unforeseen combination of circumstances or the resulting state that calls for immediate action
2. an urgent need for assistance or relief (the governor declared a state of emergency after the flood)

Now, forgive my incredulity, but since WHEN does not getting your burger order right constitute a call for emergency services? This morning on the news, yet another example of f$cktardedness was exemplified when a man of unknown origins, but I'm guessing there was a retarded monkey in his ancestry, calls 911 because his juice wasn't in his combo order. WTF????

Come ON people! Last week some asshat woman in California calls 911 because the burger barn didn't get her order right. You don't want mustard and you got it anyway? Scrape it the hell off, lazy bitch. If you're too stupid to figure it out and STOP GOING TO THAT BURGER BARN, then perhaps getting your burger order right is not your biggest problem. Perhaps if you can't figure out to talk to the manager or just leave and never go back, you shouldn't have hauled your stupid, fat ass in there anyway.

And folks wonder why I hate people. Because every time you go out to go shopping or even to the zoo you are suddenly awash in stupidity so thick it threatens to pull you under and make you just as retarded as all of the folks around you, breathing through their mouths, dragging their knuckles on the ground and screaming and beating their chest every time something they don't understand confronts them. I hate people because they are stupid and wish to remain so. They wish to remain uninformed, unknowledged, and completely oblivious to any sort of reality that involves more of them than watching reality TV.

Since when did getting your burger exactly right become a necessity that would kill us if not done correctly? Since when did getting our order right become some sort of civil right? Jesus Christ on a cracker, people, get your heads out of your asses because I'm sorely tempted to kick everyone's ass out of the sand. Get over yourselves.

You want to know the reason Australian kids die because of ignored 911 calls? Look to those moronic twits who are eating up the Operator's patience with calls about not getting a drink in their Happy Meal. Here is a stunning look into the idiocy that operators worldwide have to deal with. This Stellar Idiot called 911 three times because McDonald's ran out of McNuggets. How f$cking high was that crack whore? I'm not saying that because she's black, I'm saying it because she's a stupid crack whore.

I like to quote Mickey Blue, a poster at

All I know is I recall once when I was in high school (before my rescue career) I cut my hand on a knife, I recall thinking whether or not I should dial 911 because even though my life was not in any real danger, I still had to go to the hospital and would have a hard time driving myself. What should I do? I didn't want to call 911 if I wasn't seriously injured/ill after all....

Turns out for many, many people calling 911 is something to be done at the drop of a hat at the very first sign of any kind of injury/illness even if it probably doesn't even warrent a trip to the doctor and much less a trip in an ambulance.

Who knew the high school version of myself had a far more reasonable view of the emergency services then so many adults..


Mickey, your high school self showed a far more reasonable view of emergency services than most of the world at large.

Die in a fire you stupid morons.

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