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Monday, May 11, 2009

It's Been Awhile

So... after getting a Gmail account a couple of years back, for strategic spoof-mail purposes, I have decided to renew my rants. See, I found a silver lining in a useless web-mail address.

Perhaps the break was good, got another kid out of high school and on to my couch where she whines about college and the job market. She is neither enrolled or active in either one. I saw both boys through tours in Iraq and home safely again. And then I have seen my little cookie cutter, my youngest, the child most likely to cause me to stroke out, get through middle school without any court or obstetrician visits.

It's a Good Life.

I do wonder, as one is wont to do, how blessed my life is, despite my grousing about ingrates, lazy asses, and the stupid of the world. I am blessed with a husband, who, despite his political immaturity, is doing wonderful things on trying to educate the sheeple. Yes, he's Tea Bagging our idiots in office. I'm sorry... it's a Tea Party, hearkening back to the days of our nascent country and our tax revolt against tea. I prefer tea bagging, but then, I've played Halo and Obama probably hasn't. He has a wonderful blog, detailing his activities. It's Wake Up Waco! and you should probably take a look at it. They're having a huge hootinany Memorial Day Weekend to raise funds to support further protests. It's a good cause and our kids are active in it as well, as it's their future the goats in congress are selling down the river.

So many damned redneck reference in that paragraph it's going to take Larry the Cable Guy to decipher it.

I am also going to start a new religion, in the spirit of L. Ron Hubbard, according to the Prophetess, Ayn Rand. Read Atlas Shurgged, baby... it's like a freakin blue print to our current state of affairs. Considering she finished the book over 50 years ago, the woman one a freakin Oracle at Delphi as far as I'm concerned. We take offerings. Big ones. Be sure to head to Facebook and take the quiz "Which Ayn Rand Character Are You?" to start off on an amazing journey or Objectivism and leech squishing. Give to all the Non-Absolutes out there who want to eat their cake and have it too.

Go Galt!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yea, I'd say it's been a while. And it's about time Sev!! Are you just being lazy or do you not like talking to us anymore? It's great to hear you have joined the rest of us with "kids on the couch". It's a costly bunch, but we all have at least one on the couch with you