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Sunday, November 26, 2006

Screw This!

I go to update my Blog today and what do I find?

"We've Updated!" "We're All New!" "Come see our changes!" But first you have to sign on with your Google Account.

Let me let you in on one small, significant detail, Blog Guys. I don't feel the need to get all fuzzy and warm with Google just because you guys say so. I never wanted a Google account of any kind. Don't need it, cannot find another possible use for a mailbox I won't remember to check on anyway. So sure, sell that email to all of your spammer "supporters" and it will go the way of my MSN account. Only checked to empty the junk mail folder because I don't allow any mail there and only use it when I'm forced to give my email addy to sign up for 419 havens.

I bought and paid for MS Money which uses my Passport account info to synch info between my bank, the app and whatever crap they think they have on their internet web interface that could be of any interest to me at all. For the official record... I don't require nor desire any more financial information than I already receive, thank you. I do not want anything from my bank account being brought up on some web interface because you think I'm too stupid to log into my bank's website and check my balance. I only wanted the MS Money app to show where I could cut spending, and thanks to it's very limited Expenses Descriptions, that has been a total waste of $50.

I can't reconcile my bank statement with it. It's impossible. I know, I've been trying for 4 months now. And what do I get when I'm told I have mail on my Hotmail account? I get a message telling me that my account requires reconciliation. Let me tell you something, the day my priest takes my bank account's confession I will leave religion behind.

I don't need MS or anyone else telling me which products to use, which email accounts I have to have or which stupid bloated AV program I need to have installed. I don't need some frickin' nag screen telling me I have to have a firewall? Why? I'm not you're acerage retard out there clicking on every link I see on AOL! Kiss my lily white ass, you self-important idiots who think that I can't live without your products. I don't need your useless bloatware slowing down my machine, nor do I need to be constantly reminded that thanks to the millions of morons out there who think they, too, have to be on the Intarweb, that do need these things to save them from their useless selves, that I make a nice living.

So screw this, screw Google, MSN, and all of the other Yahoo type crap that tells me I need to have this or that so they can keep better tabs on my internet habits. I'm going off grid.

Because I can.

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