Demand in a firm tone of voice and people will fall all over themselves trying to make it so. And thus was my weekend of getting things done around the house arranged.
For months, each weekend has been a race to fit in as much as possible of the scheduled activities as possible, and perhaps have a few hours of sleep, if we were lucky. Now that soccer season is over I told my family, point blank, I am going no where, doing nothing but laundry and chores I'd planned around the house. Don't ask to be taken anywhere. Don't waste my time on pointless errands. On pain of death. I looked them all in the eye, confirming on them the total conviction and seriousness of my goal. They were smart enough to take a step back before swallowing and nodding their assent, which was not really needed because I would not be swayed. I am an oak.
Come Friday, my youngest rushes in the door, in raptures, along with her bestest pal, with the prospect of going to the movies. The movies! Ah the transports they were taken to... or rather, not taken to as I quickly applied the brakes, reminding my daughter, and her faulty memory, that I would be transporting them nowhere. I'd already been grocery shopping, bought all the supplies necessary to accomplish my goals. I shall not be moved. So she tried the irresistible force gambit. She was unceremoniously shot down with extreme prejudice.
What is it, in teenaged girls, that tells them that asking umpteen times will finally give them the result they wish? My answer started at no. It will not change. I will not be convinced otherwise. My answer will not change and the only place you have to go from there is your room with no phone, no TV, no computer and no friends. Why on earth do you always pursue this course and not quit whilst you are ahead? Teenagers in particular are dumber than doorknobs, all the while convinced of their absolute right to be annoying with their ignorance. It only convinces me that parents who send their children off to boarding school have the right idea.
My husband, when he got home pretended to be on a business call so long that they lost all hope of seeing the movie they wanted. Looks like Movies on Demand are the second choice on the weekend.
On Saturday, I wake two hours past my usual time, and stretch then jump out of bed, eager to get started with my plans. I did everything I had planned, and that evening chose to take the spawn and her pal bowling for a couple of hours. Yes, I am an oak who needed to get away from all the things I found I needed to do after I'd done what I needed to do. You see, it's a vicious cycle.
I've spent the weekend cooking, baking, cleaning, folding, picking up, hanging, stooping, scrubbing, sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, dusting, and I'm happy. I've yet to go anywhere I did not want to go, and I've stood firm. The only thing I have not done is buy some yarn I need to finish a project I started months ago. A baby blanket for a friend whose first child is due soon. I'll pick it up this week when I'm running errands at lunch. I really mean it. I'm an oak!
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