In the great big scheme of things today is not a big deal. Hell, it's not even on the Top 10 of my worst days ever. You know how there are small things that in, and of themselves are not really aggravating or bad, but you pile them all together in the same space/time continuum and you've got yourself a pretty rotten day going on? That was my day today.
As the saying goes, The stupid burns. I sat, lifeless, in my chair at my desk this afternoon thinking that the only thing I've got to look forward to is the new Weird Al CD that I pre-ordered coming out next week. This is after dealing with lazy, shiftless idiots who totally negate the belief in a benevolent deity, listening to suppliers lie to me... AGAIN, taking wrong numbers from people too moronic to realize that mercury is deadly, and trying to explain to a really great specimen of the future of humanity that if you don't work you don't get paid. Evidently they forgot to mention that to him before he dropped out of Alternative School. And, coming only hours after having some contractor threaten to pull my contract on another job because his stellar crew lied to him and I had to remind him of this fact three times in his tirade. Nope, can't install equipment that isn't on site... ASSHOLE! Yeah owner furnished contractor installed means the guy signing the checks for this LCF supplies the shit and I slap it into place and certify it's working. Ask Curly over there with the check book and kickin Guccis where the shit is.
The bright spot in my evening? I teach a class and one of my students says he thinks God wears a sombrero. Thanks buddy.
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