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Thursday, July 04, 2024

STOP! Stop It Now!


I was just watching a video on the making of the story of Helm Hammerhand. Who is Helm Hammerhand? He was one the the King of Rohan. His story is in a short appendices mention written by JRR Tolkein.

He had two sons and a daughter, who remained unnamed until some clueless bitch named her Hera (a very unrohirrim name) and made her a girl boss.

Phoebe Gittins, a creditless gimp, decided she wanted to make this barely mentioned, not at all named female, a resistance leader because of course she did. This is what you do when you have no intellect or imagination of your own and fanfic your way to mediocrity.

The daughter was the impetus for the war because Freca, the fat youth wanting her, couldn't handle her father, the King of Rohan saying no. She played no other part. SHE WAS A PLOT DEVICE.

Hollywood, please stop this. Absolutely nobody, but your self-induced stupid inhabitants believes a one hundred pound girl could take on a fully armored warrior and win. Wanna know a secret? Not even in Japan where they have ninjas are there stories like this.

Stop doing this. Stop taking the works of your intellectual betters and ruining them because you cannot create anything different, anything your own. Everything you produce is just a second-hand reproduction of what someone else has already done. You're has-beens that never were.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for this. I always enjoy when intellectual midgets ridicule things that smart people already know are dumb (Holywood). Smart people don't waste their time on this stuff. It's ironic that you, an intellectual midget, are calling out other intellectual midgets! Stupid people never do grow tired of each other lol.

Severine said...

Oh look, someone hiding behind an Anonymous tag calling me a mental midget. Forgive me if I don't go running for my fainting couch.