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Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Knowing Your Role

 As you all know, I like to game and I love MMOs, especially. In Final Fantasy XIV, I started out as a healer... Conjurer turns into White Mage at level 30 and I've loved and hated the role so much in the years I've been playing it. I picked up Astrologian and Scholar along the road and love so much about all of my healers. I can't play Sage because frankly, my understanding of Greek and Square Enix's understanding are on alternate ends of what words mean. Frankly, I have a very low opinion of the job because you start at level 70. Every job should be learned from the floor up. 

You'd understand this if you're ever locked into a low level roulette dungeon with someone who simply can't work with what they never learned to cast. I'm relearning Astro because they are about to overturn it. While I took a break they broke the job and frankly, made it unplayable for me. I loved my Astro.

I've worked at getting all of my jobs to 90 and getting their armor and Manderville weapons since Dawntrail begins, for me, June 28th. I wanted to be ready to play as I've heard the mobs are much harder in this expansion, so... be be prepared. My crafters are all ready to make new stuff. I'm stoked.

For the past few weeks I've been complaining about people not knowing what they're doing in dungeons, not knowing how to play their class, and frankly, just not doing anything constructive and then noping out when called on their shit.

I thought it was just me until I saw several YouTubers complaining about the same thing. several had noted that they are being called into dungeons that are already in progress because the healer noped out. Myself, I've seen them just disappear after the first pull while leveling up my DPS folk. In one case, a level 70 dungeon, we went through three healers and begged the last one not to leave.

We were doing nothing out of the ordinary, just trying to get through and get our daily chores done so we could get on with whatever else in game we were doing.

At first I put it down to Square Enix having recently added their games to the XBox platform and seeing all the new sprouts and trying to talk them through how to do things and play their job and how to do dungeons in the game. Then I saw yellow flowers, people who have come back and reminding them of some recent changes they may not know about. It was easy to shrug and say, "Well, they just announced the expansion and released the trailer and benchmark, things are always a bit crazy before release."

And then today I'd had enough. I was un a dungeon, working on my Summoner, and trying to get her next Manderville relic weapon and tomestones for credendum. Need to be 650 by next Friday, ya know.

Summoners have heals, that suck, but can help heal oneself to keep you on your feet until the healer can top you off. We also have rez. We're really loved, along with Red Mages, because we can battle rez in the event the healers go down. It speaks to my healer side while I'm blasting away at a monster.

Today, in a level 90 dungeon, I had a WHM, or White mage, who demanded I heal the tank.

In the quiet words of the Virgin Mary... Come again?

They weren't healing, they weren't working their lilies, they were just DPSing (Damage Per Second for the folks who don't game), then screaming at me for not keeping everyone healed.

White Mages can earn mana free, instacast heals, single target and group when they do DPS. They have a nice huge bell that can heal the platform and do a lot of damage to a monster. They have domes they can place over the players that can heal them over time. There is no healer in any game who is going to turn their nose up at a free heal for anybody.

Was this bitch doing any of that? Fuck no. She was our Glare Bitch.

The next daily I went into the tank was complaining about the same thing. I will still playing my Summoner so we were joking around about it. But then I got to thinking and I'd heard several of other people talking about it and how bad the healers were now.

Nothing in game had changed, just the players.

I also remembered that some idiot on YouTube, don't remember his name because he was complete weaksauce and frankly, I think is a secret power bottom. Just the way he acts and talks. Either that or he's on The Spectrum. He claims to have caused a Healer Strike in game because he ran a group, sans healer in the Dawn Trail press tour and claims you no longer need healers.

Well, as a healer, who admittedly doesn't attend The Meetings, I've yet to hear anything about it.

Then I was finishing up my dailies and got thrown into the last trial of the Main Scenario before you're sent off to save the universe, not just the world, and I had two White Mages in our group and I thought, Excellent! We'll all stay full health!

After the second wipe the Main Tank stopped everything and chewed them both out after I had had to rez BOTH healers back into the game for the 3rd time. I died a lot in the encounter, with the exception of one time, because I was rezzing the healers.

the MT was majorly pissed because they weren't healing, weren't putting down their awesome Bells or putting the Asylum done over us for heals. They weren't healing at all. The only heals I had received were my own 400 pt heal for myself. I went through a ton of healing potions because they weren't healing. They didn't even know how to do a Limit Break to rez all the dead and restore everyone to full health with no rez sickness.

I just wanted to get through the encounter and get out. But, I did speak my mind. I told them as a WHM main, they made me ashamed, being too stupid to even do the free lily heals. This was me venting spleen as well as giving them both a bad rep on the servers in our data center in front of everyone there. I wanted to get out of there, put back on my WHM clothes and cry for my healer who just wants to keep everyone, not just the tank, alive. I get through if they get through. It's symbiosis at its best.

I can earn the tomestones I need on any job I can play, so I may just white mage it, even though I wanted a break from healing for a bit. My Summoner is fun and I was enjoying it until this week. I'm a back up rezzer. I can heal, but you really should not be depending on me. If you don't know that, perhaps you should be playing Reaper.

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