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Sunday, April 04, 2010

Eating Our Young, Part 2

This morning I found my oldest son's Marine Corps "yearbook". It's a pictorial rendering of his experience in boot camp at MCRD San Diego. I picked it up and began looking through it. He had had it sent home when he purchased his picture package, but I had never opened the package it came in, because it was his and even though I knew he wouldn't mind, and had, in fact, purchased one for each of his parents. Since it was out of the package I asked my son if he would mind if I looked at it.

I am married to a Marine. Both of my sons are Marines. Without a doubt, I am the proudest woman in existence. I am proud to know men of such honor and courage to defend our country, freedom and Constitution. They are more willing, it seems than the politicians who would send them to defend freedom in dark corners of the world that have never known freedom. To say they love freedom is an understatement.

My oldest boy served two tours in Iraq. The first was a different from the second as night is to day. During the first tour he fought, got shot at, got dysentery, and rarely got to call home or even answer our letters. His second tour he was able to call home often, get online, answer mail. He often called just to tell us he was bored, but bored was good compared to his first time In Country. He was a mortarman and lost a lot of his hearing in his first tour. He also came away from his time in the Marines with a healthy distrust and dislike of politicians.

My youngest son spent one tour in Iraq that ended very differently from how it began. His pictures, which I had developed when he came home and from a digital camera he bought over there showed a night/day difference from arriving In Country and when he left. At first there were hardly any people on the streets, burned out cars and trash littered the roads. Later there were men on the streets, which were a little cleaner, and some boys playing. Then market stalls, women shopping, children playing, men standing, talking, playing games. All while he was in the village where he was stationed. He has pictures of boys who came to the Marines, doing odd errands for them to earn a little money for their families. He left the Marines as oblivious to politics as when he went in. Well done. Well done, indeed.

I have a shirt I bought from Sgt. Grit that says "My son is on his 2nd tour. What is your son doing for his country?" I wore this to nearby Crawford when the hippy freaks were out there protesting the war. I will be honest, most of the morons out there were no where near the Bush Ranch. It was always fun to give them the wrong directions to the pretty little white church out there. I pulled that out of my drawer the other day while going through clothes to be given to charity. I put it aside and pondered it for a moment. It made me think.

Do I cheer on killing and war and destruction? No. No one is "pro-war". No one is pro-killing. No one, and I mean NO ONE likes collateral damage. Unless you consider the Progressive Liberals who will demonstrate and march for the gay nazis, but will spit upon and scream at our young men who go to fight for our national ideals because they feel it's the right thing to do. People like the kids who are at the G8 meetings to WTO conferences are just joiners and rabble rousers. Penn and Teller did a BullShit show about these kooks that showed that none of them had an idea about the crap they were spouting. They wouldn't know right from wrong if they met both at the dinner table.

Who do I blame for this non-absolutism? Teachers. Teachers today do not teach that there are absolutes, consequences to actions, or critical thinking. We are not teaching our children important ways to think to solve problems and to find their own answers. We are allowing the teachers to teach our children how to follow, how to be the sheep we despise. Lemmings, following Obama and the Progressive Liberals off the cliff of the Nanny State.

Get involved in your kids school curriculum. Read their textbooks. I've found numerous errors in my kids books and showed them all the correct information. Yes, Progressive Idiots, there is wrong and right, correct information and wrong information. NO GREY AREAS.

Don't let the Progressive camp eat your young. Don't be a sheople.

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