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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Worldwide WTFery

Is it just me or does the world appear to be going stark raving mad in some Idiocracy kind of way? I mean, come on, Joe Biden giving up the bunker secrets? Nancy Pelosi throwing down on the CIA, and agency you don't want to piss off in any way? Obama and congress now totally back tracking on the Gitmo business because all of their liberal constituency pulling a full-on NIMBY temper tantrum?

When does it stop? When do we, the American People, stop and say, "You people are too f$cking stupid to run things"? and put term limits on these Washington Gadflies? The Tea Party folks have got it right, except now, instead of standing up to a King in another country on another side of an ocean, we are standing up the retards WE put in office in DC.

This is my main point... WTF is wrong with you nitwits who don't vote OR are so inured in the way things are that you keep voting in the same f$cking retards election after election? You piss and moan about the people running things but YOU are keeping them in office. For the LOVE OF GOD, Ted Kennedy? WTF is that limbic challenged f$ck still doing in office? The idiots in Massachusetts keep electing their dumbass politicians in office, election after election, despite their taxed to death state and The Big Dig.

No, we'd much rather poke sticks at Sarah Palin than deal with the morons we've ALREADY elected into to office and who will only leave office kicking and screaming or in a pine box. Nancy Pelosi, Ted Stevens and Barney Frank come so quickly to mind. Who is at fault that these morons are still in office DESPITE everything that they have done publicly to show they have no business holding office for dog catcher much less in congress. Whose fault is it that they are so gloriously incapable of doing anything decent or for the benefit of anyone but themselves? It's our fault, folks. We put them in office and showed no interest in removing them from that office once it was clear how inept they are.

Look, this is not rocket surgery or brain science. We need to get these morons out of office as soon as they are identified in the rarified air they prefer to breathe on our dime. Pelosi wants her own damned jet at our expense, and the rest of her tax and spend liberal pals see no problem whatsoever with this. Get over yourself, bitch. When YOU can afford to buy your own jet, then you can have one. However, don't expect the American taxpayer to fork over the cheddar for you. We didn't take you on to raise. And, on that note, We also didn't take on the Welfare Queen's children to raise, or the illegal immigrant's progeny they keep squirting out with amazing regularity. Anchor baby? Try Anchor Army. It's a full scale invasion that we're footing the bill for, folks. Wake up and smell the chorriso.

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