I've known for 20 years that I could easily kill another human being and probably go eat pizza afterward. But, only if they met one or both of my criteria. One, they wanted to live without benefit of thought or two, if they harmed someone I love.
After watching the wife of an Israeli soldier plead for proof of life on television tonight, I know, stronger than ever before that I could obliterate an entire country, a whole people, in wholesale genocide. Scorched earth would look merciful in comparison. Pol Pot and Idi Amin would look like pikers.
Why? Because, first off, I'm mean. And I don't mean it in the "Hey you damned kids, get off my lawn!" kind of way. I mean mean in the way of I know it's wrong in the eyes of limp dick care bears, I know the consequences of my actions, but I just don't give a damn what another person on this earth thinks about it. If I am justified, I just don't care about what Californians, Cindy Sheehan, or the French care about what I will do. Secondly, I have a strong rationalizaton ability. I can rationalize or justify anything. I've worked for attorneys. You have been warned.
Does this make me worse than any terrorist out there? Oh hell yeah! But I also justify that I am merely reacting to their actions in an equal if not greater force. Would I spare women and children? Only if they stay out of my way and don't try to comfort my enemy. And let me 'splain, if you know where my loved one is and don't step forward and let me know somehow, in someway, I consider that comfort.
Now, you can kidnap a loved one of mine and still live, however, if any harm has come to them, and by harm I mean they better not have one skin cell missing, harmed, or otherwise altered, you will die and in a horrific manner which defies description outside a Stephen King novel. And I assure you, I am very imaginative when it comes to unending agony. There are many ways to hurt a person. But why kill, when you can maim and watch them live in freakish misery the rest of their god forsaken lives. "To the pain" takes on a real meaning when I'm in vengeance mode.
So, if I were that Israeli bride, I would head north and I would start bashing heads together and leaving no stone unturned. You have asked for 48 hours for proof of life. It has not been forthcoming. Assume the worst and start taking them out one by one until you find some martyr willing to roll on his fellow islamofascists. Do not stop until they produce your husband or his body. Either way, kill them all. Then find their families and kill them. Make sure you leave nothing behind but earth sown with salt as a warning to other islamofascists who would foment a war in a country just learning peace for the first time in centuries.
And for those of you who sit back, mouths wide open, ready to highlight that link to email or post to others to show how crazy I am... It can happen to you. It can happen to anyone. And when it does happen to you, I sincerely hope that your friends don't understand your sudden change of heart. I hope you become what you behold. I hope it causes you to think. I hope that you realize what you are and that it does not destroy you. In that I show my mercy. Because it will most likely drive you mad when slapped with all the denial and euphamism you've used your entire life to justify your taking up space and resources on this planet.
I am one voice. Chances are no one reads this drivel. But you know what? One whisper combined with the whispers of a million others becomes a roar that cannot be ignored or denied.
1 comment:
Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!
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