Main Entry: eu·phe·mism
Pronunciation: \ˈyü-fə-ˌmi-zəm\
Function: noun
Etymology: Greek euphēmismos, from euphēmos auspicious, sounding good, from eu- + phēmē speech, from phanai to speak — more at ban
Date: circa 1681
: the substitution of an agreeable or inoffensive expression for one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant; also : the expression so substituted
Well, I had gotten it right, passed away was a lot nicer way of saying dead. I was happy with that until my teens when I discovered the insidious danger of euphemisms. Sometimes people can make up euphemisms that completely disguise what something is, and not always in a nice way. And it's when I began my battle/game to make Liberals say exactly what they meant. I will admit, it's a battle my husband hates. I will make you say it and face exactly what it is. Because the truth is always the best policy.
Progressive Liberals use euphemisms and half-said, tacit understanding to bypass the horror of their agenda. Even from themselves. Witness the Obama administration. They changed so many things from what they really are to prettied up words that basically give the picture of Arabs petting kittens and handing out flowers at a love in.
Today, in an announcement guaranteed to set Conservative hackles to rising, the Obama administration announced that they will remove words such as "Islamic Extremist" to show the Terrorists that we do not view the world through the lens of fear of islamoterroists.
See? If we call it something else then they will leave us alone because it shows how strong we are! That's crazy.
Progressive Libs are seriously mental. It has GOT to be a mental illness. They think that what they call something changes it? NO! This has been their problem all along. They do these things to hide the truth from not only everyone else, but most sickening of all, themselves. Remember what I said about justification and rationalization.
Folks, be real. Aristotle said A is A. You cannot change that. You cannot make A something else by calling it Pink. Just because you call it pink does not make it pink. You cannot change the fundamental nature of ANYTHING by calling it something else. But Progressive Liberals really do think that if they call it something else, something nicer, then it becomes so. And this shows the insanity behind Liberalism. When, in the whole history of the universe has that EVER happened? The answer is never, but they keep trying to make it work, because maybe this time, it actually will.
So, go ahead, keep trying to change what something is by calling it another name that sounds nicer. You fine upstanding individuals.
And when I say fine, upstanding individuals, I really mean witless idiots. It doesn't change what you are, it just makes your idiocy sound better to your ear. Everyone else really knows you're witless idiots. See how that works?
1 comment:
I'm the one Sev married, and I admit, I don't like euphemisms.
Saying exactly what you mean, sometimes can hurt. But as my wife tells me time and time again, the truth is always right.
Reality can be cruel,
Reality can be harsh.
It doesn't change the fact, that it is STILL, R E A L I T Y.
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