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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Political Thoughts

After staying up disgustingly late to watch the news coming out of Massachusetts last night, I went to sleep in the wee hours thinking of possible outcomes.

In all, I think it is a good thing that the Senate seat went to a Republican. Just because it's been sat in by a Democratic liberal ass for over 40 years, does not mean it should always be so. Change is good, and I am a firm believer in term limits. Twelve years should be it. No one person is so important that they can suck on the public teat for their entire adult life. The concept of life long politicians was one of which our forefathers could never have anticipated. They were their to serve their constituents, then go home, let the next guy have a chance to run things. That, is a true democracy.

The knee-jerk worry in all of this is the liberal agenda for healthcare and more taxes for all. No, the LCF of a healthcare bill currently in congress will never, EVAR pass now. Even the White House is stepping back from it. It still doesn't keep me from having dreams where my dragon sets Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid into flames with his breath, but I deserve some enjoyment after this past year, don't I? At least the worry of the nightmare of that health care bill is not one I need worry about any longer.

So now what?

Now we have to work hard for the 2010 November elections. If, and I mean IF the Dems can possibly pull their heads out of their cranio-rectal interfaces long enough to see that they are full of the worst kind of hubrus and that they are so out of touch with their constituency that they may as well live on Mars, they might, MIGHT have a chance of hanging on to any one of the seats up for grabs in November. However, if the past is any lesson, they will not.

The Liberal Progressives are guilty of the worst kind of arrogance that any political movement can be. They think the electorate is too stupid and complacent to keep them from ramming a nanny state right up our asses. It is why they keep Blacks and Hispanics in public housing on the government cheddar so they can then go in and harvest their votes. The Blacks and Hispanics are too stupid to realize what's good for them, so let the government take care of you, warehouse you, enslave you all for the almighty vote in November. Sounds like a whole different kind of slavery to me. Slavery of the mind and will of the people. Keep them inured in their poverty, keep telling them they can't get out, that they have no hope, unless... Unless they keep their slave masters in office so they can change things to get them out. Have you noticed in all the benighted years since the "Great Society (damn you to hell LBJ) that they've only made things progressively WORSE?

God forbid any racial minority or white person stand up and point this out. You'll be labeled a racist, race hater, Uncle Tom, and full of self-hatred. Just ask Clarence Thomas or Alan Keyes. Ask RNC leader Michael Steele some of the names he's been called by progressives and other blacks for not toeing the Democratic Party Line.

Republicans have work to do. They have damned hard work to do. They need to reach out to minorities and show them they CAN get out of the progressive ghettos, they can do it without affirmative action or quotas. They ARE smart enough, they are good enough without any help whatsoever, all they need to do is work HARD. Republicans need to get the message out that you cannot expect to get anywhere standing on a corner with your hand out.

Perhaps the Tea Party guys will show us a viable third party. Perhaps they won't get pulled in to all that political BS that is so thick all over the country right now.

Perhaps we just need to think for ourselves instead of letting talking heads and vapid politicians tell us what we're supposed to be thinking.

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